Thursday, March 20, 2008

Had a little breast cancer scare yesterday. I was playing out the last moments of my life in my mind as I was whisked straight from my mammogram to an ultrasound. I figured I was going to be whisked away to a biopsy after that. Fortunately, they just told me to come back in six months.
Great movie:Romance and Cigarettes
Purse lust for the low low price of 405

Been listening to a lot of death metal lately. You will be happy to know that the creators of the hit song, bloody cunt, will be coming to town. Despite the fact that their drummer is dying of liver failure, Anal Blast is going on tour one last time. I know, you were worried that you might not ever get to see the band together again.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Canon RC-10A pendant speaker

Have you ever seen anything like it? It is a Canon RC-10A pendant speaker. I found it in a thrift store and have looked all over the web for any information about it and have come up with nothing. I challenge you to find any information about it all or provide any documentation. I would love to know a bit more about this odd little speaker and find another if I could.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

I read Service Included by Phoebe Damrosch today. Highly recommended.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I just went to the store and saved 54 dollars of my $155 with coupons. My biggest score to date. Best deals? I had a 5 dollar off your 75 dollar order and 12 dollars off your 125 dollar order. They took them both. I was surprised. Didn't think they would.
Another score? 12 dollars in free cat food. Not only was it free. They paid ME to take it away.
We went to see Speeding Motorcycle last weekend in Austin. Great show. The band was amazing! I had such a great time. Here is a picture of me with the girl who is playing the same role as I did in the Houston production.

By the way, just finished reading Foreskin's Lament. Hysterical.